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Humble’s Conquer COVID-19 Bundle is jam-packed with great games

Published: 2 comments

The Humble store has a new Humble Bundle available for sale, and its one of the best offerings yet. The bundle, which is available for one week, features $1,000 worth of games, and can be purchased for $30. Proceeds from Humble’s Conquer COVID-19 Bundle go to support organizations responding to the coronavirus, “delivering protective gear to safeguard healthcare workers and providing medical care to infected patients.”

Especially charitable gamers can raise their donation to higher levels, and 100% of profits made from this bundle will go to Direct Relief, the International Rescue Committee, Doctors Without Borders, and Partners in Health.

There are some fantastic gems in the bundle, including time-slowed, glass-mannequin shooter Superhot and time-loop mecha strategy game Into the Breach. Players can also grab The Jackbox Party Pack 2, Undertale, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, and Hollow Knight. Google’s Tilt Brush 3D software is also included, which is a great opportunity for artists with virtual reality hardware.

Rounding out the bundle is a selection of ebooks and comics. There are some helpful looking titles relating to improving yourself and managing anxiety... or if you prefer, some comics like The Boys and Saga.

This particular Humble Bundle is a fantastic way to pass the time indoors, whether you’re looking to improve yourself or just pass the time. Into the Breach alone is worth the $30; the rest is a fantastic steal that allows us to do some good at the same time.

Coronavirus/COVID-19: What you need to know

The spread of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, has unfortunately been characterized by an abundance of misinformation about the virus and xenophobia pertaining to its origins. To help educate our readership, we’ve compiled helpful explanations from our sibling sites The Verge and Vox.com. You can find answers to the most common questions in the links below:
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  1. I played this game when I was in 2ed grade. Fireboy and Watergirl is best game on hudgames

  2. I don’t like bob the robber on hudgames, but the other games on hudgames are juicy!
